In celebrating the sacraments, not only do we encounter God, but also experience communion with one another and the unity of the Church.
That is a celebration of our faith, a taste of eternity and getting to know the Mystery of God.
The sacraments are visible signs of an invisible reality, instituted by Jesus Christ and provided by the Church so that we may experience God’s closeness and His great desire to give Himself to each of us. When we celebrate the sacraments, not only do we see symbols and tangible signs, but we also encounter God in them and experience the healing, forgiving, nourishing, strengthening and loving closeness of God, because God’s grace is at work in them. We also experience communion with one another, the unity of the Church. The hole sacraments are a celebration of our faith, a foretaste of eternity and ai insight into the mystery of God. The Christian life is not possible without a reverent, active, and loving reception of the sacraments.
There are seven sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Ordination (Priesthood) and Marriage. The grace received in the sacraments, like a grain in good soil, germinates, spreads and bears abundant fruit when a person is properly prepared to receive the sacraments and, after receiving them, continually cooperates with the grace received.